Pune: In a significant event to commemorate Indian Organ Donation Day, the Command Hospital in Pune organized a special program aimed at promoting awareness about organ donation. The event was graced by Lieutenant General Dhiraj Seth, Ati Vishist Seva Medal, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Southern Command, along with Mrs. Komal Seth, Regional President of the Southern Star Army Wives Welfare Association (AWWA). The gathering saw the participation of numerous military personnel and their families.
The program featured insightful presentations by specialist officers from the Command Hospital and the Army Institute of Cardiac Thoracic Sciences. These experts provided in-depth discussions on critical topics such as Brain Death and tackled various myths and misconceptions surrounding organ donation. The session also highlighted the remarkable successes of organ transplants within the armed forces.
A key note address was delivered by Mrs. Arti Gokhale, Central Coordinator of the Zonal Transplant Coordination Centre, Pune. She emphasized the profound impact of organ donation on saving lives and offering hope to those in need.
In a moving ceremony, Lt Gen Dhiraj Seth and Mrs. Komal Seth honored organ donors and their families, recognizing their selfless contributions to society. The event concluded with a solemn pledge taken by all attendees, including military personnel and their families, committing to becoming organ donors. This pledge symbolizes the spirit of generosity and compassion that is a hallmark of the Armed Forces.