Produced by IMF Creations and directed by K Bharathikannan, the movie “Vatakara” is produced and acted by Satish. Vattakara is a film about a Robbery and the lives of four people around him. An innovative commercial thriller, the film will hit theaters worldwide from August 5.
Senthil, Tarun, Mani, and Madhavan meet on a journey. They share their stories and problems and are the only solution to all their problems. The story of the film is that they plan to steal Vatakara, did they succeed?, did they solve their problem? A commercial film with a mixture of love, comedy, action, and thriller, the film will give an innovative experience as an exciting thriller that will keep the audience on the edge of their seats.
The film has been shot in three metropolitan areas namely Madurai, Trichy, and Chennai. All four songs of the film are a major strength of the film. The trailer of the film has been well received by the fans.
Producer Satish is playing the lead role in the film and Angadit Teru Mahesh, Saranesh Kumar, Kannan Madhavan are playing supporting roles. Sara Monu, Alisha George are the heroines along with them. Sambhatram, Gajaraj, Benjamin, Dinesh, Arvind, R.S.Sivaji played the lead roles.
Producer – Satish
Story, Screenplay, Lyrics & Direction- K. Bharati Kannan
Music Director – Taj Noor Cinematography – Jason Williams
Cinematography – Amarnath
Art Director – Sri Krishnan
Lyrics- Kapilan, Snegan, Ilayakampan, Nimesh.
Singers- Millennium Prabhu, Sri Ganesh, Priya Malli, Jithin, Deeper.
PRO – MP Anand
Digital Pr- Ahmed Asjad
Jayantini Govindarajan is presenting the film on behalf of Crowni Cinimas and Screen focus Pvt Ltd is releasing the film across Tamil Nadu. The film releases worldwide on August 5.