Pune: The Armed Force Medical College (AFMC), Pune hosted its Annual Inter Academy Debate & Quiz Competition “Sameeksha” and “Jigyasa” respectively on 18-19 May 2022 after a gap of 02 years because of COVID 19 restrictions. This year being the Diamond Jubilee year of AFMC, the event was contested by Military Academics of India namely the Indian Navel Academy, Air Force Academy, National Defence Academy and College of Military Engineering apart from the hosts, AFMC. The event is organized every year by AFMC to promote and encourage exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge among the Cadets on diverse topics including pressing contemporary issues. Total 40 Cadets from various Military Academics participated and actively interacted with each other over two days during the course of the event. The “Sameeksha” debate was won by the Air Force Academy, while the “Jigyasa” quiz was won by the AFMC. Director & Commandant, AFMC complimented the Cadets on their excellent performance and handed over the prizes to the winners.