PUNE: DIAT is conducting a nationwide 12 weeks online Course on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI & ML) in July 2022. Any Graduate and working professionals can apply for the online course. The enrolment depends upon qualifying the online entrance test scheduled on 10th July 2022. Detailed information about the schedule & curriculum is uploaded on the DIAT website www.diat.ac.in. The last date of the online application is 08th July, 2022.
During the course, the expert lectures will be organized by eminent faculties and scientists from DIAT, DRDO, Industry and from the renowned Universities. The evaluation of the courses also will be conducted through online module-wise tests based on theory and runtime challenges-based practical to finalise the results for award the certificates.
This online training is aimed to support the “Skill India Mission” and to train the professionals with building the human skill-sets in using, deploying cyber security tools and techniques. The course will be covered advanced topics such as ML& DL, foundation probability theory, language processing computer vision, big data, algorithms and augmented reality along with the tools to train on various techniques for AI & ML.
The Department of CSE, DIAT had already successfully conducted two batches of Online Training and Certification Course (OTCC) in Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI & ML). More than 1500 students have been trained and degree certificates were issued. This is the 3rd Online Training & Certification Course batch going to be conducted.