Pune: During travel from Dubai to Pune, a man smuggled 34.81 lakh gold biscuits with his shoes, Customs Intelligence has revealed. Gold biscuits weighing 705 grams were seized from the passenger.
He had landed in Pune on the same flight from Dubai to Ahmedabad. All this came to the fore during the investigation. Customs said he wrapped the biscuits in sticky tape and put them in his shoes. The passenger has been arrested in this case. All this was revealed on 7 February.
Some such smuggling cases have been unearthed by the Pune Customs Department. In December, the customs department had seized 800 grams of 24 carat gold worth Rs 40 lakh 36 thousand from a passenger traveling from Chennai to Mumbai. It consisted of six gold bracelets and a bracelet. In these two cases of smuggling, the customs department exposed their criminal conduct. On 8 February, the customs department seized six lakh foreign currency from a passenger traveling from Pune airport to Sharjah.