PUNE: Half marathon of 21 km was conducted at INS Shivaji on 27 Nov 21 as part of Navy Week activities. Additionally, runs were organised in the category of 10 Km and 5 Km for Station Personnel. A total of 600 participants comprising of Service Personnel from all the three Services,Defence Civilians, Ladies and Children participated in the event, out of which 200 Personnel Participated in the half marathon.
The event aimed to inculcate traits of resilience and inspiration and also to develop mental and physical strength. Specific scenic and challenging routes were designed for each category of run within the Establishment’s campus, for each of the three different categories of runs.
Running in addition to Physical health benefits such as fitness and enhancing endurance also promotes various mental health benefits.
All station personnel witnessed and cheered the runners with enthusiasm. The event concluded with Cmde Arvind Rawal, Commanding Officer INS Shivaji and Station Commander Lonavala awarding trophies, medals and certificates for the first three positions in each of the runs.
שוק המוצרים לשיפור האון הגברי תפס תאוצה בשנים האחרונות, דירות דיסקרטיות בנתניה