Social media company Twitter has challenged the order of the Central Government to remove the content in the Karnataka High Court. On Tuesday, Twitter moved the court against the Indian government’s order in 2021. Last year, the central government had asked Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to remove some content. Some of these posts were also related to corona virus infection. Those whose accounts were asked to remove the published material included Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee, Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera and Vinod Kapri.
These notices were issued by the government in January and April last year. Along with this, the Ministry of Electronics and IT had said that if these tweets are not removed, then action will be taken against Twitter. The government said that for violating the order, criminal action would be taken against the Chief Compliance Officer of Twitter. Challenging these orders, Twitter has now filed an application in the Karnataka High Court. The company says that the order to block the content is different from section 69A of the IT Act.
Explain that according to section 69 (A) of the IT Act, if any social media post or account can disturb the social order or posts material against the sovereignty and integrity of the country, then the government should take action against such posts and accounts. can. Let us tell you that apart from the central government, differences of Twitter have also been seen with many state governments. Last year, Twitter India head Manish Maheshwari was issued a notice by the Uttar Pradesh Police under Section 41A of the Criminal Penal Code.