Russia and Ukraine have been embroiled in a war of attrition for the past several days. Every day new and terrible information is coming out of the war between Ukraine and Russia. The two countries are blaming each other. Legia Vasilenk, now a female Ukrainian parliamentarian, has made a shocking accusation against Russian troops. He tweeted that Russian soldiers were raping Ukrainian girls. They are then killed and burnt swastika-shaped marks on their bodies. Legia has made serious allegations that Russian soldiers do not release even 10-year-old girls who have been raped. She also said in a tweet on Monday that Russian soldiers were killing and looting in Ukraine.
In another tweet, Legia said that Russian soldiers were committing looting, rape and murder in Ukraine. He is also raping 10 year old girls. Burning swastikas are being stamped on women’s bodies. According to him, only Russian soldiers have done this. In his tweet, he shared a photo with a burning swastika mark. In it, she says, ‘this woman has been raped and murdered. After that, the marks of burning swastika are engraved on her body. I am nervous and enraged by this photo. I don’t know how to express my anger after seeing this photo. ‘
Legia is the leader of the Liberal Holos Party
Legia Vasilenk is the leader of the Liberal Holos party in Ukraine. Legia shares shocking information about the Ukraine-Russia war through various tweets in a row. The war between Ukraine and Russia has been raging for the past few days. Legia’s tweet comes amid a flurry of allegations against Russia over its atrocities against Ukraine.